Salamanders of South Carolina 

Amphiumidae - Amphiumas

Two-toed Amphiuma
(Amphiuma means)

SC Distribution:

Sirenidae - Sirens

Northern Dwarf Siren
(Pseudobranchus striatus)

SC Distribution: 

Lesser Siren
(Siren intermedia)

SC Distribution: 

Greater Siren
(Siren lacertina)

SC Distribution: 

Proteidae - Waterdogs and Mudpuppies

Dwarf Waterdog
(Necturus punctatus)

SC Distribution: 

Ambystomatidae - Mole Salamanders

Frosted Flatwoods Salamander
(Ambystoma cingulatum)

SC Distribution: 

Mabee’s Salamander
(Ambystoma mabeei)

SC Distribution: 

Spotted Salamander
(Ambystoma maculatum)

SC Distribution: 

Marbled Salamander
(Ambystoma opacum)

The Marbled Salamander is a stout salamander with a broad head and thick legs. These salamanders are black in coloration and adult males are usually patterned with a series of white, bone-shaped, stripes going down the back and tail. Females can be distinguished by having grayish stripes.

SC Distribution: Coastal Zone, Coastal Plains, Sandhills, Piedmont, Blue Ridge

Mole Salamander
(Ambystoma talpoideum)

SC Distribution: 

Eastern Tiger Salamander
(Ambystoma tigrinum)

SC Distribution: 

Plethodontidae - Lungless Salamanders

Green Salamander
(Aneides aeneus)

SC Distribution: 

Seepage Salamander
(Desmognathus aeneus)

SC Distribution: Blue Ridge

Carolina Swamp Dusky Salamander
(Desmognathus valtos)

SC Distribution: Coastal Plains

Northern Dusky Salamander
(Desmognathus fuscus)

SC Distribution: 

Spotted Dusky Salamander
(Desmognathus conanti)

SC Distribution: Coastal Plains, Sandhills, Piedmont

Shovelnose Salamander
(Desmognathus aureatus)

SC Distribution: 

Seal Salamander
(Desmognathus monticola)

SC Distribution: 

Southern Black-bellied Salamander
(Desmognathus amphileucus)

SC Distribution: 

Dwarf Black-bellied Salamander
(Desmognathus folkertsi)

SC Distribution: 

Chattooga Dusky Salamander
(Desmognathus perlapsus)

SC Distribution: 

Chamberlain’s Dwarf Salamander
(Eurycea chamberlaini)

SC Distribution: 

Southern Two-lined Salamander
(Eurycea cirrigera)

This small, thin salamander rarely exceeds 4 inches in length and has 13-14 costal grooves. They are typically yellowish-brown in coloration with dark lines on their sides and varying amounts of dark spotting on their back. The belly is translucent with a yellowish wash.

SC Distribution: Coastal Plains, Sandhills, Piedmont, Blue Ridge

Three-lined Salamander
(Eurycea guttolineata)

SC Distribution: 

Southeastern Dwarf Salamander
(Eurycea quadridigitata)

SC Distribution: 

Blue Ridge Two-lined Salamander
(Eurycea wilderae)

SC Distribution: 

Spring Salamander
(Gyrinophilus porphyriticus)

SC Distribution: 

Four-toed Salamander
(Hemidactylium scutatum)

SC Distribution: 

South Carolina Slimy Salamander
(Plethodon variolatus)

SC Distribution: 

Atlantic Coast Slimy Salamander
(Plethodon chlorobryonis)

SC Distribution: 

White-Spotted Slimy Salamander
(Plethodon cylindraceus)

SC Distribution: 

Southern Gray-cheeked Salamander
(Plethodon metcalfi)

SC Distribution: 

Southern Appalachian Salamander
(Plethodon teyahalee)

SC Distribution: 

Webster’s Salamander
(Plethodon websteri)

SC Distribution: 

Mud Salamander
(Pseudotriton montanus)

SC Distribution: 

Red Salamander
(Pseudotriton ruber)

SC Distribution: 

Many-lined Salamander
(Stereochilus marginatus)

SC Distribution: 

Patch-nosed Salamander
(Urspelerpes brucei)

SC Distribution: 

Salamandridae - Newts

Eastern Newt
(Notophthalmus viridescens)

SC Distribution: