Help us improve our resource pages!
We recognize we are learning new things every day when it comes to taxonomy, habits, distribution, etc, of our beloved reptiles and amphibians. As such we have allowed and hope our resource pages will evolve over time to provide visitors to our site with the most up-to-date and accurate information possible. But to do so, we need your help!
Photos: We are working on building a large photo library of all of South Carolina’s reptiles and amphibians. These photos aide us in advertising campaigns, informational materials, social media, and help increase the benefits of our resource pages. If you are interested in helping us build this library, you can submit your reptile and amphibian photos at the link below
Text: We have designed our text descriptions to help people of all backgrounds accurately identify and learn more about the reptiles and amphibians around them. As such, we believe the more people that help contribute to these descriptions, the larger benefit these descriptions will have to the south Carolina herpetological community. We all interpret things just a bit different than one another, so your opinions, thoughts, and suggestions are very helpful to us. Send us an email at the contact link below. In the subject, put ‘text update for X species’. And clearly indicate in the content of the email the species and section you would like to update.
Distribution: Are you familiar with HerpMapper? If not, go visit their website right now and familiarize yourself. This is perhaps the best citizen science platform collecting data on reptiles and amphibians. We use data collected on HerpMapper to compile our state distribution maps for each species. There is certainly a lot of gaps in the distribution of these cryptic species, but you can help us fill that in! Definitely consider documenting your reptile and amphibian findings on HerpMapper. This not only helps us build better resource pages, but also helps the SCDNR and many other researchers throughout the state better understand the distribution of South Carolina’s Reptiles and Amphibians.